Never select a PXE Distribution Point when deploying packages. This may stop that PXE point from functioning. Use the list of DP Groups or select the specific DPs required. When setting up Advertisements to execute at specific times use:- UTC if you want the installation to start at the same time the world over regardless of local time. For example, if you want the installation to commence on all PCs regardless of location at 3:30AM Dallas time, select UTC on the Advertisement window. Local Time if you want the installation to commence at a specific local time, ie at 2:00PM UK time and 2:00PM Canada time. The “All Packages” canned report now shows all packages and not all packages at all distribution points. If you wish to view all packages at a specific DP, please select the “All Packages for Distribution Point“ report. Site WAN throttling If a site with an SCCM DP Server has issues around bandwidth utilization and it seems that when SCCM deploys a new version of the Package (12GB) that users are impacted. The SCCM team can then throttle the SCCM utilization of the bandwidth during business Hours (6AM-6PM) so it only uses 50% or 20% of available bandwidth. Note that the less bandwidth the longer packages will take to reach the site. Clean out obsolete client records When a PC is being built from a PXE boot task sequence, an option exists for the immediate installation of other applications, This will only work if the flag is set on the packages program as per the below screen shot – “Allow the program to be installed from the Install Software Task Sequence without being advertised. If this flag is not set, the package will install approximately 2 hours after the task sequence is complete.
When the you notices packages without a source, they you can deleted those.