This guide will show you how you can extend the SCCM Tools avavable from here:…
If you don´t have this toolkit installed. Download it and install it before continuing.
This is how they look by default:
The actions with this package are not stored within the regestry anymore. Instead they are stored in xml files instead.
These are located on this path: <SCCM Console install directory>AdminUIXmlStorageExtensionsActions7ba8bf44-2344-4035-bdb4-16630291dcf6
Begin with backing up all of these xml files to a diffrent location. just in case you ever wan´t to go back to the originals.
Now lets say we wan´t to add a custom action below the client actions node:
Then open Client Actions.xml with notepad
Scroll to the bottom of the script an input a new "chunk" of code. You can just code one of the above chunks and then edit.

As you can see i have pasted in a new chunk of code (marked in blue) and edited the name.
This will give me another option for evaluating the user policy…
But i could also customize this to work with other scripts to make my custom action do something else..
To do this just edit the <FilePath> and <Parameters> values.
If you need to edit any of the other categories just open the xml file for this category (all stored within "<SCCM Console install directory>AdminUIXmlStorageExtensionsActions7ba8bf44-2344-4035-bdb4-16630291dcf6")