Configuration Manager 2007 site server roles are not supported on below OS

|Configuration Manager 2007 site server roles are not supported on any operating system prior to Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1. Configuration Manager 2007 site roles are explicitly not supported on the following operating system versions: Windows NT 4.0 Server Windows 2000 Server Windows 2003 Server, with no service pack installed

Unsupported Client Platforms

Unsupported Client PlatformsThe Configuration Manager client is not supported on any operating system prior to Windows 2000 Service Pack 4. Installing the Configuration Manager client is explicitly not supported on the following operating system versions:  Windows 95 Windows 98 Windows Millennium Edition Windows XP Media Center Edition Windows XP Starter Edition Windows XP Home … Read more

Unable to load console on Primary Site Server

Symptom: Unable to load console on Primary Site Server Further Conditions – WMI Failures indicated by errors 0x80041002 in the Event Log, MPControl.log.  Unable to connect to namespace root/cimv2. Use the WMI Diag tool for further analaysis and confirmation of namespace errors. Restart WMI service and check corresponding event log for errrors. If necessary rebuild … Read more

Decommission or Deleting a Secondary Site from SCCM Console

Decommission or Deleting a Secondary Site from SCCM Console 1) Log on to the primary for the secondary site. Right click the secondary site and select delete 2) On the welcome page click next 3) Choose the option to delete or uninstall siteDelete this site Select this option to delete the secondary site. Deleting a … Read more

Restore Procedure’s for Primary Sites

Restore Procedure’s for Primary Sites 1. To start the Site Repair Wizard from the Configuration Manager console:Navigate to System Center Configuration Manager Site Database Site Management <site name>. 2. Right click <site name> and click Repair Site. Note: The Site Repair Wizard can only be started from the Configuration Manager console installed on the site … Read more

Scripts to query installed Service Packs, Patches/updates and Hotfixes

Scripts to query installed Service Packs, Patches/updates and Hotfixes There are many known scripts which use WMI class Win32_QuickFixEngineering to enumerate hotfixes installed on a computer. These scripts can give you a list of installed updates like; 1. This Script reports installed updates that are installed with Windows Update (v5) technology and the result will … Read more

create 1000 users

‘ Create 1000 Sample User Accounts Set objRootDSE = GetObject(“LDAP://rootDSE”) Set objContainer = GetObject(“LDAP://cn=Users,” & _ objRootDSE.Get(“defaultNamingContext”)) For i = 1 To 1000 Set objLeaf = objContainer.Create(“User”, “cn=UserNo” & i) objLeaf.Put “sAMAccountName”, “UserNo” & i objLeaf.SetInfoNext WScript.Echo “1000 Users created.”

‘Below script to create number of computers in AD–for testing

‘Below script to create number of computers in AD–for testing ‘============================================================================== ‘ ‘ Description: This script creates multiple sequential computer accounts ‘ in an AD OU. It appends a 3 digit number to the base name starting with ‘ the number entered at the prompt. ‘ ============================================================================== Option Explicit ‘Define Constants Const ADS_SCOPE_ONELEVEL = 1 … Read more

'Below script to create number of computers in AD–for testing

‘Below script to create number of computers in AD–for testing ‘============================================================================== ‘ ‘ Description: This script creates multiple sequential computer accounts ‘ in an AD OU. It appends a 3 digit number to the base name starting with ‘ the number entered at the prompt. ‘ ============================================================================== Option Explicit ‘Define Constants Const ADS_SCOPE_ONELEVEL = 1 … Read more