


‘ //***************************************************************************

‘ //*************************************************************************** 



‘// Global constant and variable declarations



Option Explicit 

Dim iRetVal

DIM objRegistry

DIM strComputer

Dim objFSO, vDriverPaths

strComputer = “.”

Set objRegistry = GetObject(“winmgmts:” & strComputer & “rootdefault:StdRegProv”)


‘// End declarations



‘// Main routine


On Error Resume Next

iRetVal = ZTIProcess

ProcessResults iRetVal

On Error Goto 0 



‘// Function: ZTIProcess()


‘// Input: None


‘// Return: Success – 0

‘// Failure – non-zero


‘// Purpose: Perform main ZTI processing



Function ZTIProcess() 

     iRetVal = Success 

     ZTIProcess = iRetval 


‘// custom code


Dim sTempHive

Dim sRegHive

Dim sSName, vSystemDrive

Dim RegPath, RegKey_Current

Dim iZTIRetValue

Dim oShell

Set oShell = WScript.CreateObject (“Wscript.Shell”)

sSName = oUtility.ScriptName

On Error Resume Next

vSystemDrive = oEnvironment.Item(“OSDisk”) ‘Refresh scenario variable only

If vSystemDrive = “” Then vSystemDrive = oEnvironment.Item(“OSPARTITION”) ‘Bare metal scenario variable only. OSPARTITION is a pre WIM dump variable

If vSystemDrive = “” Then vSystemDrive = oEnvironment.Item(“OSDTargetSystemDrive”) ‘Bare metal scenario variable only. OSDTargetSystemDrive is a POST WIM dump variable

On Error Goto 0

If UCase(WScript.Arguments.Named(“OS”)) = “WINXP” Then

‘—- For Windows XP only as PnP cannot traverse sub-folders —-

Set objFSO = CreateObject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”)

GetFiles (vSystemDrive & “Drivers”)

‘WScript.Echo vDriverPaths

ElseIf UCase(WScript.Arguments.Named(“OS”)) = “WIN7” Then

vDriverPaths = “;%SystemDrive%Drivers;”


oLogging.CreateEntry sSName & “: OS switch not defined”,LogTypeInfo

Exit Function

End If

sTempHive = Chr(34) & “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINETemp_HIVE” & Chr(34)

sRegHive = Chr(34) & vSystemDrive & “WindowsSystem32configSOFTWARE” & Chr(34)


oLogging.CreateEntry sSName & “: Actions Start – Updating Default Profile”,LogTypeInfo

oLogging.CreateEntry sSName & “: Loading the Registry Hive”,LogTypeInfo

‘WScript.Echo “will run reg load ” & sTempHive & ” ” & sRegHive “reg load ” & sTempHive & ” ” & sRegHive

If Err0 Then 

oLogging.CreateEntry sSName & “: Failed to load the registry hive ” & sRegHive,LogTypeError


Exit Function

End If

wscript.sleep 3000

oLogging.CreateEntry sSName & “: Registry Hive Loaded to ” & sTempHive,LogTypeInfo

oLogging.CreateEntry sSName & “: Starting Registry Changes… “,LogTypeInfo

RegPath = “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINETemp_HIVEMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion”

RegKey_Current = oShell.RegRead(RegPath & “DevicePath”)

oLogging.CreateEntry sSName & “: Adding Custom DriverPath”,LogTypeInfo

oshell.RegWrite RegPath & “DevicePath”, RegKey_Current & vDriverPaths, “REG_EXPAND_SZ”

If Err0 Then 

oLogging.CreateEntry sSName & “: Failed to update DevicePath”,LogTypeError


Exit Function

End If

oLogging.CreateEntry sSName & “: Successfully added ” & Chr(34) & vDriverPaths & Chr(34), LogTypeInfo

oLogging.CreateEntry sSName & “: Unloading Hive”,LogTypeInfo “reg unload ” & sTempHive

If Err0 Then 

oLogging.CreateEntry sSName & “: Failed to unload the registry hive”,LogTypeError


Exit Function

End If

Wscript.Sleep 3000

oLogging.CreateEntry sSName & “: Actions completed”,LogTypeInfo


End function

Function GetFiles(FolderName)

Dim objFiles, objSubFolders, vSubfolder

Dim vFile, vFileName, vINFFolder, objFolder

Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(FolderName)

Set objFiles = objFolder.Files

For Each vFile in objFiles  

vFileName = UCase(

If objFSO.GetExtensionName(vFileName) = “INF” Then

‘Wscript.Echo vFileName

vINFFolder = objFso.GetParentFolderName(FolderName & “” &  vFileName)

If vDriverPaths = “” Then

vDriverPaths = “;” & vINFFolder


vDriverPaths = vDriverPaths & “;” & vINFFolder

End If

Exit For

End if


‘Getting all subfolders

    Set objSubFolders = objFolder.SubFolders

For Each ObjFolder In ObjSubFolders



End Function


‘// End Custom Code



‘ //***************************************************************************

‘ //*************************************************************************** 



‘// Global constant and variable declarations



Option Explicit 

Dim iRetVal

DIM objRegistry

DIM strComputer

Dim objFSO, vDriverPaths

strComputer = “.”

Set objRegistry = GetObject(“winmgmts:” & strComputer & “rootdefault:StdRegProv”)


‘// End declarations



‘// Main routine


On Error Resume Next

iRetVal = ZTIProcess

ProcessResults iRetVal

On Error Goto 0 



‘// Function: ZTIProcess()


‘// Input: None


‘// Return: Success – 0

‘// Failure – non-zero


‘// Purpose: Perform main ZTI processing



Function ZTIProcess() 

     iRetVal = Success 

     ZTIProcess = iRetval 


‘// custom code


Dim sTempHive

Dim sRegHive

Dim sSName, vSystemDrive

Dim RegPath, RegKey_Current

Dim iZTIRetValue

Dim oShell

Set oShell = WScript.CreateObject (“Wscript.Shell”)

sSName = oUtility.ScriptName

On Error Resume Next

vSystemDrive = oEnvironment.Item(“OSDisk”) ‘Refresh scenario variable only

If vSystemDrive = “” Then vSystemDrive = oEnvironment.Item(“OSPARTITION”) ‘Bare metal scenario variable only. OSPARTITION is a pre WIM dump variable

If vSystemDrive = “” Then vSystemDrive = oEnvironment.Item(“OSDTargetSystemDrive”) ‘Bare metal scenario variable only. OSDTargetSystemDrive is a POST WIM dump variable

On Error Goto 0

If UCase(WScript.Arguments.Named(“OS”)) = “WINXP” Then

‘—- For Windows XP only as PnP cannot traverse sub-folders —-

Set objFSO = CreateObject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”)

GetFiles (vSystemDrive & “Drivers”)

‘WScript.Echo vDriverPaths

ElseIf UCase(WScript.Arguments.Named(“OS”)) = “WIN7” Then

vDriverPaths = “;%SystemDrive%Drivers;”


oLogging.CreateEntry sSName & “: OS switch not defined”,LogTypeInfo

Exit Function

End If

sTempHive = Chr(34) & “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINETemp_HIVE” & Chr(34)

sRegHive = Chr(34) & vSystemDrive & “WindowsSystem32configSOFTWARE” & Chr(34)


oLogging.CreateEntry sSName & “: Actions Start – Updating Default Profile”,LogTypeInfo

oLogging.CreateEntry sSName & “: Loading the Registry Hive”,LogTypeInfo

‘WScript.Echo “will run reg load ” & sTempHive & ” ” & sRegHive “reg load ” & sTempHive & ” ” & sRegHive

If Err0 Then 

oLogging.CreateEntry sSName & “: Failed to load the registry hive ” & sRegHive,LogTypeError


Exit Function

End If

wscript.sleep 3000

oLogging.CreateEntry sSName & “: Registry Hive Loaded to ” & sTempHive,LogTypeInfo

oLogging.CreateEntry sSName & “: Starting Registry Changes… “,LogTypeInfo

RegPath = “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINETemp_HIVEMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion”

RegKey_Current = oShell.RegRead(RegPath & “DevicePath”)

oLogging.CreateEntry sSName & “: Adding Custom DriverPath”,LogTypeInfo

oshell.RegWrite RegPath & “DevicePath”, RegKey_Current & vDriverPaths, “REG_EXPAND_SZ”

If Err0 Then 

oLogging.CreateEntry sSName & “: Failed to update DevicePath”,LogTypeError


Exit Function

End If

oLogging.CreateEntry sSName & “: Successfully added ” & Chr(34) & vDriverPaths & Chr(34), LogTypeInfo

oLogging.CreateEntry sSName & “: Unloading Hive”,LogTypeInfo “reg unload ” & sTempHive

If Err0 Then 

oLogging.CreateEntry sSName & “: Failed to unload the registry hive”,LogTypeError


Exit Function

End If

Wscript.Sleep 3000

oLogging.CreateEntry sSName & “: Actions completed”,LogTypeInfo


End function

Function GetFiles(FolderName)

Dim objFiles, objSubFolders, vSubfolder

Dim vFile, vFileName, vINFFolder, objFolder

Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(FolderName)

Set objFiles = objFolder.Files

For Each vFile in objFiles  

vFileName = UCase(

If objFSO.GetExtensionName(vFileName) = “INF” Then

‘Wscript.Echo vFileName

vINFFolder = objFso.GetParentFolderName(FolderName & “” &  vFileName)

If vDriverPaths = “” Then

vDriverPaths = “;” & vINFFolder


vDriverPaths = vDriverPaths & “;” & vINFFolder

End If

Exit For

End if


‘Getting all subfolders

    Set objSubFolders = objFolder.SubFolders

For Each ObjFolder In ObjSubFolders



End Function


‘// End Custom Code


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