How to Upgrade Clients Using Software Distribution in Configuration Manager

How to Upgrade Clients Using Software Distribution in Configuration Manager You can use Configuration Manager 2007 software distribution to upgrade the client software on computers in your enterprise. A package definition file is supplied with Configuration Manager 2007 which populates the package properties with commonly used values. You can customize the behavior of the client … Read more

How to Manually Publish the Default Management Point to DNS

Publish the default management point to DNS   If your DNS servers do not support automatic updates but do support service location records, and you want to publish the Configuration Manager 2007 default management point to DNS, you can manually publish the default management point. To accomplish this, you must manually specify the service location … Read more

Configuration Manager Clients on Workgroup Computers

Configuration Manager Clients on Workgroup Computers   Configuration Manager 2007 supports client installation for computers in workgroups. You can install workgroup computers in the below options   The client must be installed manually on each workgroup computer. During installation, the logged-on user must possess local administrator rights on the workgroup computer. The workgroup computer must … Read more

VBSCRIPT Initiate the software updates cycle

  VBScript to Initiate the software updates cycle         ' Set the required variables.     actionNameToRun = "Software Updates Assignments Evaluation Cycle"     ' Create a CPAppletMgr instance.    Dim oCPAppletMgr    Set oCPAppletMgr = CreateObject("CPApplet.CPAppletMgr")     ' Get the available ClientActions object.    Dim oClientActions    Set oClientActions = oCPAppletMgr.GetClientActions()     ' Loop through the available … Read more

How to Check the Windows Update Agent Version on Clients

To display the WUA version on client computers using a SQL query Create a query statement that retrieves client computers and the Windows Update Agent version, such as the following sample query statement: SELECT v_R_System.Netbios_Name0, v_GS_WINDOWSUPDATEAGENTVERSIO.Version0 FROM v_GS_WINDOWSUPDATEAGENTVERSIO INNER JOIN v_R_System ON v_GS_WINDOWSUPDATEAGENTVERSIO.ResourceID = v_R_System.ResourceID WHERE v_GS_WINDOWSUPDATEAGENTVERSIO.Version0 <> 'ISNULL' ORDER BY v_GS_WINDOWSUPDATEAGENTVERSIO.Version0 To verify the … Read more

Daily activity related VBScripts from Myitforum

VBS Script To Ping A Remote Machine Until The Command Window Is Closed. 3 VBS Script To Ping A Remote Machine Until The Command Window Is Closed Here you will find a VBS script that will allow you to ping a remote machine continuously (Ping –t) until you close the command window. The script can … Read more

ALL SQL Queries

SQL Query To Retrieve Advanced Clients Assigned Site Code And Client Version   This SQL Query will allow you to list the assigned site code and client version numbers for your advanced client resources.   SQL Query:   Select  SD.Name0 'Machine Name', SC.SMS_Assigned_Sites0 'Assigned Site', SD.Client_Version0 Version From v_R_System SD   Join v_RA_System_SmsAssignedSites SC on … Read more

Retrieve Machines IP Address, Default Gateway And MAC Address

SQL Query To Retrieve Machines IP Address, Default Gateway And MAC Address To retrieve the IP address; Default Gateway and the Mac address for your SMS discovered resources. This query has added logic that will enable you to filter out those machines that do not have a specified Default Gateway set as well as those … Read more

SCCM 2007 Intelligently about the product

Welcome to an era of technology where a single application can manage your entire organizations infrastructure. Whether your organization is based on a single campus or distributed throughout the world, System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) 2007 has the mechanics to provide your company with the tools needed to distribute software, operating systems, security updates, collect … Read more