Modify the DNS Server Search Order for a Network Adapter

Modify the DNS Server Search Order for a Network Adapter Configures a TCP/IP-bound network adapter to use two DNS servers: and Note that even if a computer only uses one DNS server, the IP address of that server must still be passed to the SetDNSServerSearchOrder method as an array (in that case, an … Read more

SCCM Agent Related Exe file

SCCM Agent Related Exe file         ccmdump.exeCcmExec.execcmrepair.exeCcmRestart.exeOSDBitLocker.exeOSDDiskPart.exeOSDJoin.exeOsdMigrateUserState.exeOSDNetSettings.exeOSDPrepareOS.exeOSDPrepareSmsClient.exe OSDSetupWindows.exeOSDSmpClient.exeOSDWinSettings.exeSCCMNativeModeReadiness.exesmsboot.exeSMSCliUI.exeSmsClrHost.exesmsnetuse.exesmsswd.exetsenv.exeTSInstallSWUpdate.exeTSLauncher.exe TSManager.exeTSMBootstrap.exeTsProgressUI.exeVAppLauncher.exeVAppCollector.exeRCLaunch.exe-Remote Control launchRCServer.exe-Remote Control Serverclicore.exe

What's new in Windows Vista Service Pack 1 (SP1)

Improvements in reliability Windows Vista SP1 includes improvements that address many of the most common reasons for which Windows stops responding. Many of the reliability improvements in SP1 are in response to issues that customers reported by using the Windows Error Reporting tool. Other reliability improvements in Windows Vista SP1 include improvements in wireless computer-to-computer (ad hoc) … Read more

What’s new in Windows Vista Service Pack 1 (SP1)

Improvements in reliability Windows Vista SP1 includes improvements that address many of the most common reasons for which Windows stops responding. Many of the reliability improvements in SP1 are in response to issues that customers reported by using the Windows Error Reporting tool. Other reliability improvements in Windows Vista SP1 include improvements in wireless computer-to-computer (ad hoc) … Read more

Query Criterion Values

String Values You must specify the exact string that the query will use to evaluate the expression — do not use quotation marks unless they are part of the string. For relational operators that perform LIKE comparisons ("is like" or "is not like"), you can use wildcard characters within the string. You can use the … Read more

Prerequisites for Asset Intelligence :- SMS_def.mof 9 Modification Prerequisites for Asset Intelligence

Prerequisites for Asset Intelligence   The Asset Intelligence feature in Configuration Manager 2007 has both external dependencies and dependencies within the product that should be considered when implementing Asset Intelligence or attempting to view Asset Intelligence report information. The prerequisites for Asset Intelligence in Configuration Manager 2007 include the following: Client agent prerequisites Hardware inventory … Read more

Disk Space Threshold Registry Key

Disk SpaceThreshold By default Windows sends an administrative alert when the amount of free space remaining on a hard disk drive falls below 10 percent. This percentage can be configured using this setting. Open your registry and find the key below. Create a new DWORD value called "DiskSpaceThreshold" and set it to the percentage of … Read more

Configuring SLP / MP in WINS

Configuring SLP in WINS To manually configure the SMS 2003 Server Locator Point (SLP) server in WINS, type the following from a command prompt: C:>netsh <enter>NETSH>wins <enter>WINS>server <enter>WINS SERVER>add name Name=SMS_SLP endchar=1A rectype=0 ip={}(NOTE: Replace x’s with IP address of server acting as SLP) Command completed successfully.(This will appear if you used the proper syntax.) … Read more