SCCM Ports are configurable & some are not

    Configurable Ports   Client to internet (as proxy server settings) Client to reporting point Client to site system Software update point to internet (Proxy server settings) Software update point to WSUS server   UnConfigurable Ports   Configuration Manager 2007 console to SMS Provider Configuration Manager 2007 console to the Internet Site server to … Read more

SCCM Ports are configurable & some are not

    Configurable Ports   Client to internet (as proxy server settings) Client to reporting point Client to site system Software update point to internet (Proxy server settings) Software update point to WSUS server   UnConfigurable Ports   Configuration Manager 2007 console to SMS Provider Configuration Manager 2007 console to the Internet Site server to … Read more

RoboCopy VBS Script

VBS script with source and destination folder input dialog boxes as well as hard coding the RoboCopy command line switches opposed to issuing the commands from the command prompt       Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")   objSource = InputBox("Enter Source") objDestination = InputBox("Enter Destination")   objCommand = "RoboCopy.Exe " & Chr(34) & objSource & … Read more

What's New in Configuration Manager 2007

Some aspects of Configuration Manager 2007 have changed very little since SMS 2003, while some have changed a lot. Also, several new features have been added and some features have been removed. The following features are new to Configuration Manager 2007: Desired configuration management Network Access Protection for Configuration Manager Wake On LAN The following features … Read more

What’s New in Configuration Manager 2007

Some aspects of Configuration Manager 2007 have changed very little since SMS 2003, while some have changed a lot. Also, several new features have been added and some features have been removed. The following features are new to Configuration Manager 2007: Desired configuration management Network Access Protection for Configuration Manager Wake On LAN The following features … Read more

Status Check for Wake On Lan

On Error Resume Next Const wbemFlagReturnImmediately = &h10Const wbemFlagForwardOnly = &h20 arrComputers = Array("ComputerName")For Each strComputer In arrComputers   WScript.Echo   WScript.Echo "=========================================="   WScript.Echo "Computer: " & strComputer    WScript.Echo "=========================================="    Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" & strComputer & "rootWMI")   Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM MSNdis_DeviceWakeOnMagicPacketOnly", "WQL", _                                           wbemFlagReturnImmediately + wbemFlagForwardOnly)    For Each objItem … Read more

Dell recommend using SMS WOL BIOS Settings remote Enable

Dell recommend using SMS and Dell OpenManage Client Instrumentation (OMCI).  However, this requires WMI scripting which may be prevented if security lockdown settings prevent such scripts from running. Pros: Exposes the Dell BIOS to WMI and therefore enables almost any modification to be made by running VB script.  It also means SMS hardware inventory can … Read more


HP provides a number of tools based on HP Client Management Interface (CMI).  The exception is HP System Software Manager (SSM) which includes a bundled utility called BiosConfigUtility.exe that modifies BIOS settings through a text-based file format, which can be used independently of SSM.   HP says a future version of HP SSM will leverage HP … Read more