1E Free Tools for ConfigMgr 2007

ConfigMgr tools

Advanced Task Sequence Environment Tool The TSEnv2.exe is a command line tool that lets administrators manipulate the Microsoft 2007 task sequence environment. It allows them to get, set, list and dump all variables within the OSD Task Sequence environment. This tool also allows changes to ‘read only’ variables that cannot be changed with the original TSEnv.exe which is included in the Configuration Manager 2007 OSD environment. 1E Free Tools for ConfigMgr 2007 Paddy Maddy Date: 11 May 2009   Size: 108 Kb 1E Migration Tool This tool is designed to allow an SMS Administrator to Migrate all or selected packages and programs from his SMS environment into a System Center Configuration Management (ConfigMgr) environment. The tool has the following features:-

  • The Migration of Package and Program details along with source files
  • Renaming of Package and Program names during migration
  • Direct transfer of packages from your SMS site to ConfigMgr
  • Export to flat file structure from SMS site and Import into ConfigMgr from flat file
  • Exporting of SMSNomad command line settings to new ConfigMgr Nomad tab settings.

1E Free Tools for ConfigMgr 2007 Paddy Maddy Date: 23 Feb 2009   Size: 107 Kb Service Window Provides a graphical interface that allows an administrative user to view, add, edit and delete maintenance windows (service windows) on a selected target computer. Maintenance windows define times during which Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007(ConfigMgr) can apply advertisements and software update deployments to the specified computer.
If no windows are specified then the computer can receive advertisements at any time. Administrators may assign advertisements outside any maintenance windows irrespective of what has been set. 1E Free Tools for ConfigMgr 2007 Paddy Maddy Date: 23 Dec 2008   Size: 110 Kb WMI Permissions Tool The WMIConfigPerms.exe is a command line to that lets you view and edit the security of a specified WMI Namespace. This tool will allow administrators to silently configure namespaces in preparation for software installs that require modified permissions to install. Examples are configuring permissions for the SMS Admins group on RootSMS; 1E Shopping service account on RootSMS; non-administrators on SQL Reporting Services; 1E NightWatchman Console service account on the N1EWakeUp and SMSWAK namespaces. 1E Free Tools for ConfigMgr 2007 Paddy Maddy Date: 12 Apr 2010   Size: 60.1 Kb

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