Nomad Enterprise consists of two powerful components, Nomad Branch and PXE Lite.
Users with remote branches can benefit greatly from using Nomad for software distribution:
- 1E Nomad delivers the ability for network booting, eliminating the need for an expensive server in each branch
- 1E Nomad controls the amount of bandwidth it uses so even when bandwidth quite limited, remote users are still able to use the network during software distribution, and there is no need to considering adding expensive bandwidth resources.
- Nomad is very cost effective but it can considerably reduce the number of servers in the network,
Nomad is a network optimization solution that uses patented technology to provide amazing levels of network efficiency. It improves network performance and enables server consolidation, allowing customers to get the most out of their existing networks and avoid costly network upgrades and the requirement for additional hardware. Nomad Branch Distributes systems management data once over the WAN and then shares it locally with peer agents. Can be used with, or without multicast. PXE Lite Provides network booting capabilities without the need for separate server hardware. Enables real zero-touch bare-metal OS deployments.
Reduce the cost of software deployment
Nomad Enterprise enables OS releases, software applications and updates to be distributed quickly and efficiently to remote server-less branch offices and to bandwidth-challenged environments. Nomad Enterprise ensures that software packages are only copied once over the WAN (Wide Area Network) to make the most efficient use of available network bandwidth. This eliminates the need for time consuming site visits or the presence of local servers at branches, delivering major cost savings for branch-oriented businesses, such as retail and banking.
Benefits at a glance:
Lower Cost
Maximizes Network Efficiency
Improves Reliability
Increases Simplicity
Save on Hardware, Software Electricity
What’s new in Nomad Branch 3.0?
Nomad Branch 3.0 now provides, central multicast, improved download reliability, has additional ConfigMgr integration and improved cache management features.
- Central multicast– Nomad Branch can distribute packages using multicast directly from a ConfigMgr/SMS Distribution Point. This benefits both central and branch distributions, minimizing the load on Distribution Points and significantly reducing WAN traffic.
- Additional Configuration Manager 2007 integration – Nomad Branch now supports OSD driver packages, alternate cache paths for Save and Restore Cache actions in Task Sequences and 64bit WinPE Save and Restore Cache actions.
- Enhanced download integrity– Nomad Branch now provides a per file checksum that enhances Nomad Branch capabilities in terms of efficiently recovering from transfer errors on a per file basis. The list of download file checksums is computed and made available centrally from the ConfigMgr/SMS Distribution Point thereby increasing efficiency.
- Download cache maintenance– Improvements to the Nomad Branch cache maintenance make it easier to manage Nomad Branch disk usage for its download cache.
- Internet based download throttling – Internet ConfigMgr clients can now use Nomad Branch 3.2 to download from a Distribution Point using HTTP/HTTPS. The package source will be downloaded once over the WAN and then shared locally with peer agents using the existing Nomad Branch methodology.
- Download monitoring interface – Nomad Branch provides a new download monitoring interface that also enables remote monitoring of machines.
Automate OS Deployments
1E’s experience leading hundreds of global Windows migrations has enabled us to create a comprehensive toolset that makes deploying new operating systems as simple as deploying software. Nomad Enterprise, complements the Microsoft Deployment Toolkit and provides effective software and OS transfer even in the largest, geographically dispersed organizations.
Consolidate Management Servers
Nomad Enterprise brings huge savings in terms of cost and effort by eliminating the need for secondary site servers. As only a few centrally located servers are needed, it is easier to implement the ConfigMgr/SMS hierarchy in these environments. Hardware costs are reduced significantly, as well as management costs as the environment is simpler to maintain.
Wan Optimization Using Multicast
For customers who wish to implement multicast for systems management data, Nomad Central Multicast provides the most bandwidth-efficient method of distributing large SMS/ConfigMgr files over a network. This patented technology reduces network traffic by simultaneously delivering a single stream of data to multiple PCs. Using Central Multicast data is transferred from a Distribution Point (DP) to multiple subnets only once over each connection. This greatly reduces load on the DP and increases the number of subnets that it can service. It also reduces network traffic going across any intervening WAN links. Local Multicast is ideally suited for environments with branch locations with over 100 PCs. It uses multicast to distribute locally, serving all PCs at once, and reduces LAN traffic and the load on branch PCs. As multicast is limited to the local subnet, no network infrastructure changes are required.
Learn more about 1E Nomad